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building a brand

25 July, 2024

Building A Corporate Brand And Why It Is Important

Ready to take your corporate brand to the next level? Building a strong corporate brand is like crafting the ultimate recipe – it needs the right ingredients, a dash of creativity, and a lot of passion. I've tried to keep it simple with an easy 5 step program.

1. Define Your Brand Identity – Who Are You, Really?
When you're defining your brand identity, you're essentially giving it a bit of a personality makeover. It's like asking, "If my brand were a person, who would they be?" Would it be that fun, laid-back mate who's always cracking jokes at the barbie? Or perhaps it's more like that super-organised, dependable person who's always got their stuff sorted.

The key here is to really get into the nitty-gritty of what makes your brand tick. It's not just slapping a pretty logo on your products or choosing a flashy colour scheme. It's about understanding the deeper stuff – the values, mission, and vision that make your brand what it is. These are the things that give your brand its character, its ethos.

Ask yourself: What does my brand believe in? What's our mission – the big goal that we're all about? And what's our vision – the dream scenario we're aiming for? This is your brand's core, its essence.

Once you've got that sorted, think about how this reflects in everything your brand does. From the way you communicate on social media, to the kind of customer service you provide, even down to the packaging you use. All of these should tell the same story, the story of your brand's unique personality.

It's a bit like making a new friend. You want your audience to get to know your brand, understand what it stands for, and feel connected to it. And just like with friendships, authenticity is key. So, keep it real, and let your brand's true personality shine through!

2. Know Your Audience – Your Brand's Best Friends

Know Your Audience

Let's chat about getting to know your audience, your brand's bunch of best mates!

Imagine your brand is throwing a massive party. Who's on the guest list? These are the folks you want to vibe with your brand. Getting to know them is super crucial – it's like understanding your best mates. What do they love? What really grinds their gears? Are they young go-getters, tech-savvy whiz kids, or maybe busy parents juggling a million things?

To really get this insight, you've got to do a bit of detective work. Whip out those surveys, have a yarn on social media, and dive into some market research. It's all about painting a clear picture of who your audience is. You want to know what makes them tick, what they're passionate about, and what they're looking for in a brand.

Once you've got all that info, it's time to tailor your brand to suit their style. Think of it like picking out the perfect prezzie for your mate's birthday. You wouldn't give the same gift to your footy-loving mate as you would to your mate who's all about gaming, right? Same goes for your brand.

Customising your brand to resonate with your specific audience is key. It's about making sure everything from your messaging, your products, to the experience you provide, feels like it's made just for them. It's the difference between a generic 'happy birthday' card and one that's got an inside joke only they'd get.

So, get to know your audience like they're your best mates. Understand what makes them smile, and then give them more of that. That's how you turn your audience into loyal fans of your brand – or as we like to say, part of the family!

3. Craft Your Message – Speak Their Language

Speak Their Language

Now that you know who you're talking to, it's time to craft your message. It's like deciding exactly how you're going to chat with your mates at the pub!

So, you've figured out who your audience is – they're like your brand's crowd at the barbie. Now, how are you going to yarn with them? The way you talk – your tone of voice – has got to strike the right chord. Are you going to be the laid-back, friendly type, cracking jokes and spinning yarns? Or are you more the serious, knowledgeable type, giving out top-notch advice?

This isn't just about choosing fancy words. It's about making sure your message hits home. Every time you talk – whether it's on your website, in your ads, or in emails – it's got to sound like you. Consistency is key. You wouldn't talk to your mates one way today and a completely different way tomorrow, right? Same goes for your brand.

But remember, it's not just about the words you choose. It's about how you say them. Your message should always be crystal clear and reflect your brand's values. Like, if your brand is all about sustainability, make sure that message comes through loud and clear in everything you say.

And don't forget, it's a two-way convo. Listen to what your audience is saying back to you. Their feedback's like gold – it'll help you fine-tune your message so it resonates even better.

In short, when you're crafting your message, make sure it's like having a good chat with a mate – clear, consistent, and true to who you are. That's how you'll connect with your audience and turn them into loyal fans

4. Visual Identity – Dress to Impress

Dress To Impress

Now lets look at sprucing up your brand with a smashing visual identity. Think of it as decking out your brand in its best clobber!

When someone first claps eyes on your brand, you want them to be wowed, right? That's where your visual identity comes into play. It's like your brand's get-up for a big night out. You want it to be snazzy, memorable, and make people think, "Wow, who's that?"

Your visual identity includes all the bits and bobs that people see first – your logo, the colours you use, the style of your fonts, and the images you choose. It's like picking out the right outfit, accessories, and hairstyle for a special occasion.

Now, just like you wouldn't rock up to a beach barbie in a tuxedo, your visual identity needs to match your brand's personality. If your brand's all about being fun and quirky, bright colours and fun graphics might be the go. But if it's more upscale and sophisticated, you might opt for sleek, clean designs.

The trick is to make sure all these visual elements tell the same story. They should all sing from the same song sheet, so to speak. This helps make your brand instantly recognisable. You know, like when you spot someone from across the room because of their iconic style? Same thing for your brand.

Having a top-notch visual identity is like turning up in a perfectly tailored suit or a stunning dress – it makes a statement. It tells your audience, "Here we are, and we mean business!" And in a crowded marketplace, that can make all the difference. So, dress your brand to impress and watch it turn heads

5. Consistency is Key – Keep It Together

The next important thing to do is keep your brand consistent – like always wearing your favourite footy team's colours proudly, no matter where you are!

Imagine if your mate showed up one day loving cricket, and the next day they're all about rugby, and then suddenly they're into basketball. You'd be pretty confused, wouldn't you? Well, it's the same with your brand. If your brand keeps changing its look, feel, or message, your audience is going to get muddled.

Consistency across all platforms is super important. Whether someone's scrolling through your social media, browsing your website, or looking at your marketing materials, they should immediately recognise that it's your brand. It's like seeing your mate from a distance and knowing it's them just by the way they walk.

This means your brand's personality, the tone of your messages, your visuals – like your logo, colour scheme, and typography – need to be in sync, no matter where they appear. It's about giving your audience that comfy feeling of familiarity. Like, "Ah, I know these guys, this feels right."

Regularly checking in on your brand's message and visual identity is crucial. It's a bit like looking in the mirror before you head out – just to make sure you're still looking sharp and true to your style.

In short, consistency is about staying true to your brand's character, no matter where it shows up. It builds trust and recognition. Your audience will start to feel like they really know you, like an old mate they can rely on. And that's a win in the branding game!

Example Of Successful Branding - "Just Do It"

How did Nike, the big gun in the sportswear world, build its epic brand. It's a bit like watching a footy legend rise through the ranks to become a household name!

Nike started off as a small player, just like any local sports team. Back in 1964, it was actually called Blue Ribbon Sports. But here's where the magic begins. They were all about innovation – think of it like a team developing a new play strategy that no one's ever seen before. They introduced sneakers that were lighter and more comfortable, a game-changer for athletes.

But Nike didn't just stop at making great shoes. They knew they had to create a buzz, get people talking. They started sponsoring top athletes, like a local footy team getting a big-name player to wear their colours. This move put Nike in the spotlight, making people think, "If the pros are wearing them, they must be good!"

Then, in 1971, they changed their name to Nike, after the Greek goddess of victory. Talk about setting the bar high! And with that, the famous Swoosh logo was born – as iconic as a team's emblem on their jerseys.

Nike's marketing has always been top-notch, too. Remember the "Just Do It" slogan? That's like a rallying cry for athletes and everyday people alike. It's memorable, inspiring, and speaks to the heart of what Nike's about – pushing limits and going for gold.

Over the years, Nike kept evolving, always staying ahead of the game. They expanded their range, from running shoes to all sorts of sports gear, then into lifestyle fashion. It's like a team that's always bringing in fresh talent to stay on top. All their promotional products also tied into the brand. Whether it was branded drink bottles, embroidered caps or printed t-shirts, they all kept the consistent branding.

But here's the real clincher – Nike's always been about more than just selling shoes or clothes. They sell dreams, aspirations, the idea that with their gear, you can achieve your personal best. It's like being part of a winning team, where everyone's striving for greatness.

So, how did Nike create its brand? By innovating, aligning with top athletes, crafting a powerful message, and, most importantly, by selling an idea – the idea that with hard work and the right gear, you can 'Just Do It'. They became more than a brand; they became a part of people's identities. Just like how a footy team becomes a part of who you are!

Wrapping It Up!
Building a corporate brand is an exciting journey. It's about finding your unique voice in a noisy world and connecting with your audience in a meaningful way. Remember, it's a process, so be patient and enjoy every step. With these five steps, you're well on your way to creating a brand that not only stands out but also stands the test of time.

Ready to start building your corporate brand? Let’s make it amazing! 

The PromotionsOnly Team