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Polystyrene Button Badges

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Craze Square Button Badge
50mm x 50mm
Craze Square 5cm Button Badges are strong and durable made with polystyrene.
from $1.78 to $0.76 ea
250 min.
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Customised Can Button Badge
35mm x 60mm
Customised Can 6cm x 3.5cm Button Badges are produced using a high impact polystyrene.
from $1.85 to $0.82 ea
250 min.
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Roxy Octagon Button Badge
50mm x 50mm
5cm Roxy Octagon Button Badges are made in polystyrene for long lasting durability.
from $1.85 to $0.82 ea
250 min.
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Queens Round Button Badge
Queens 5.5cm Round Button Badges have a plastic coating applied.
from $1.93 to $0.88 ea
250 min.
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Madison Rectangle Button Badge
75mm x 50mm
Madison Rectangle 7.5cm x 5cm Button Badges can be personalised in full colour.
from $2.02 to $0.96 ea
250 min.
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Tango Number One Button Badge
45mm x 75mm
Tango Number One 4.5cm x 7.5cm Button Badges can be custom branded in full colour.
from $2.03 to $0.97 ea
250 min.
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Custom Shape 50mm x 50mm Polystyrene Button Badge
50mm x 50mm
Custom Shape 50mm x 50mm Polystyrene Button Badges are ideal for trade show promotions
from $2.07 to $0.90 ea
500 min.
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Ellis Round Button Badge
Ellis Round 6cm Button Badges can be complemented with 2 different attachments.
from $2.10 to $1.02 ea
250 min.
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Morton Triangle Button Badge
75mm x 75mm
Morton Triangle 7.5cm x 7.5cm Button Badges are constructed in polystyrene.
from $2.10 to $1.05 ea
250 min.
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Olley Square Button Badge
60mm x 60mm
Olley Square 6cm Button Badges can be individually packaged.
from $2.15 to $1.06 ea
250 min.
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Custom Shape 60mm x 50mm Polystyrene Button Badge
60mm x 50mm
Custom Shape 60mm x 50mm Polystyrene Button Badges can be created in your specific shape.
from $2.16 to $0.98 ea
500 min.
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Custom Shape 75mm x 50mm Polystyrene Button Badge
75mm x 50mm
Custom Shape 75mm x 50mm Polystyrene Button Badges are made with a high quality polystyrene.
from $2.25 to $1.04 ea
500 min.
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Ritz Octagon Button Badge
75mm x 75mm
Ritz Octagon 7.5cm Button Badges can be branded over the entire area.
from $2.27 to $1.18 ea
250 min.
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Roche Round Button Badge
Roche Round 7.5cm Button Badges can be supplied in two different styled fasteners.
from $2.30 to $1.21 ea
250 min.
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Jedd Oval Button Badge
55mm x 35mm
Jedd Oval 3.5cm x 5.5cm Button Badges can be individually packaged if required.
from $2.32 to $1.51 ea
250 min.
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Khan Square Button Badge
75mm x 75mm
Khan Square 7.5cm Button Badges can be custom branded in full colour.
from $2.34 to $1.26 ea
250 min.
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Custom Shape 75mm x 65mm Polystyrene Button Badge
75mm x 65mm
Custom Shape 75mm x 65mm Polystyrene Button Badges are perfect for creating your own shape.
from $2.35 to $1.13 ea
500 min.
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Custom Shape 80mm x 65mm Polystyrene Button Badge
80mm x 65mm
Custom Shape 80mm x 65mm Polystyrene Button Badges can be custom shaped and branded.
from $2.45 to $1.21 ea
500 min.
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Arizona Sheriff Button Badge
75mm x 75mm
Arizona Sheriff 7.5cm Button Badges can be branded in full colour.
from $2.46 to $1.35 ea
250 min.
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Custom Shape 75mm x 75mm Polystyrene Button Badge
75mm x 75mm
Custom Shape 75mm x 75mm Polystyrene Button Badges are a super size for custom printing in colour.
from $2.53 to $1.29 ea
500 min.
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Custom Shape 90mm x 75mm Polystyrene Button Badge
90mm x 75mm
Custom Shape 90mm x 75mm Polystyrene Button Badges comes with a plastic coating.
from $2.61 to $1.37 ea
500 min.
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Pisces Oval Button Badge
100mm x 75mm
Pisces Oval 10cm x 7.5cm Button Badges are highly visible when imprinted in full colour.
from $2.70 to $1.59 ea
250 min.
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Custom Shape 100mm x 70mm Polystyrene Button Badge
100mm x 70mm
Custom Shape 100mm x 70mm Polystyrene Button Badges feature full colour custom printinng
from $2.72 to $1.45 ea
500 min.
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Custom Shape 100mm x 75mm Polystyrene Button Badge
100mm x 75mm
Custom Shape 100mm x 75mm Polystyrene Button Badges are highly visible.
from $2.81 to $1.53 ea
500 min.
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Custom Shape 100mm x 80mm Polystyrene Button Badge
100mm x 80mm
Custom Shape 100mm x 80mm Polystyrene Button Badges can be individually designed.
from $2.88 to $1.60 ea
500 min.
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Custom Shape 100mm x 90mm Polystyrene Button Badge
100mm x 90mm
Custom Shape 100mm x 90mm Polystyrene Button Badges can be supplied in two optional attachments.
from $2.97 to $1.69 ea
500 min.
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Custom Shape 125mm x 75mm Polystyrene Button Badge
125mm x 75mm
Custom Shape 125mm x 75mm Polystyrene Button Badges can be done to any shape you want
from $3.05 to $1.76 ea
500 min.
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Isles Square Button Badge
90mm x 90mm
Isles Square 9cm Button Badges are inclusive of a full colour imprint.
from $3.13 to $2.00 ea
250 min.
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Custom Shape 100mm x 100mm Polystyrene Button Badge
100mm x 100mm
Custom Shape 100mm x 100mm Polystyrene Button Badges can feature your specific shape.
from $3.15 to $1.83 ea
500 min.
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We also stock close to 30 different polystyrene badges within our comprehensive button badge range. These badges are very popular and because they are comprised of a high impact durable polystyrene they are very lightweight and yet reliable. We have in our range above a collection of both standard and custom shapes which, as the name suggests, can be cut into any personalised shape you desire.

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