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800ml Recyclable Sports Bottle

Product Code: PR012880
Made in AustraliaBest Seller800ml Recyclable Sports Bottle
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$4.33 + $22.00 Freight

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800ml Recyclable Sports Bottles actually take C02 out of the atmosphere. They are made from fibres of sugar cane which is an eco friendly plant as it takes C02 out of the atmosphere and produces oxygen. The bottles are molded and printed right here in Australia and as they are a plant derivative material, they are fully recyclable. What a great way to promote your business, plus we offer a full wraparound print to maximise the advertising space


Product Sizes

Capacity: 800ml

Print Area
  • Body: 210mm(w) x 80mm(h)
  • Collar: 220mm(w) x 25mm(h)
  • Colours


    The above colours & measurements are approximate & for guidance only

    Additional Info

    Additional Product Info

    1. Prices are subject to change at any time and without prior notice.
    2. Prices shown are based on the client supplying suitable artwork.
    3. Freight is additional to prices shown and will be charged at cost.

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